Sunday, March 18, 2012

What An Amazing Idea This Is

When I found out I was pregnant with Lil D, I began researching cloth diapering.  At the beginning, I was quite intimidated and unsure as to whether it was actually going to be worth the investment.  However, after months and months of researching my husband and I agreed that this was definitely the way to go with our son.  I'm so glad we made that decision. 

In the process of all the researching, I came across many different blogs... and of course giveaways.  I started to enter a few of these giveaways.  Then I actually won one of them, oh my gosh, I have never won anything before!  This obviously led me to enter more giveaways.  Eventually, I came across an entry that was requesting me to "blog" about their giveaway.  Me blog?  I've never thought about it before, but why not.  I love reading all the different reviews and following these lovely mamas in their journeys with their little ones.  It's been years since I've had a little one so I already feel like I'm learning it all over again anyways.  If I enjoy reading these blogs so much myself, why not actually begin one of my own?  So, here it is.  My first blog, and the path that led me here.  Besides, I was horrible at keeping up with my other children's baby books, so maybe by blogging I'll do a better job this time around.